Philip Mudd Wikipedia with Bio, Education, Height, career, Age, Married Life, Pics, Net worth

Philip Mudd Wikipedia with Bio, Education, Height, career, Age, Married Life, Pics, Net worth, Family, Profession, Born Place, Weight, Feet.Complete information about who is Philip Mudd? how old is Philip Mudd?

Philip Mudd Biography

Philip mudd
Philip mudd

Quick introduction

  • Name-Philip mudd

  • Year of birth-1962

  • Maritial status-single

  • Profession-Journalist,Author.

  • Ethnicity- Mixed

  • Education-University of Virginia, Villanova University

  • Origin-Irish-Italian

  • Nationality-American

  • Salary-$60 thousand

  • Net worth- $5 million

who is Philip Mudd?

Philip mudd also known as phil.He is one of the inspiring human that we need to know about him.In 1985,he joined as an analyst specialist in South Asia and in middle East in CIA(Central Intelligence Agency) .In tweeter he was very active,he even troll about Trump.His life is the one that we have to learn many things about let’s see how it’s all started.

Philip Mudd Wikipedia

Philip Mudd is a Frank person but coming to his family life he maintained silence and made it as confidential and even his parent’s name also remains unknown so we can’t even able to know his father’s name.

It is not comprehensible that he has lover or not.He also kept is as secret. But one time he tweeted as his girlfriend changing their safe name to “Richard Painter”

On February 20.Even the post is found to be sarcastic way.

The year 2018 holds much information about his family life because in the same year he again tweeted this time about Donald Trump by pointing him that when Trump was having an intimate relationship with Pornstar, his wife was sitting at home nursing their newborn son.

This was his last tweet about his family life. It happened on March 10, 2018.

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Philip Mudd Family

Being a child everyone would consider his father as a role model, even Mudd too loved his father to the core even after he was growing up, he loves to wear his father’s coat when he goes out. He is really a good human being.

This CNN agent always loves his family very much. once in a tv show he talked about his ten nephews and he broke out into tears.  This security analyst is the one who we have to learn from his professional and personal life but he never tells a piece of detailed information about his family anywhere.

Philip Mudd Education 

Philip Mudd is well educated personality. He is an active man and loves to learn new things. He also loves writing and wrote two books.

  • He received his Bachelor’s degree after studying Literature in English
  • He also holds a Master’s degree from the University of Virginia in the same course i.e. Literature in English.
  • As a bilingual, Philip speaks both English and Spanish Language. He also knew French.
  • His first book is titled Takedown: Inside the Hunt for AI Qaeda, depicting how September 11 attack changed his life.
  • Second book is The HEAD Game: High Efficiency Analytic Decision- Making and the Art of Solving Complex Problems Quickly, talking about the difficulties involved in decision making when is having enormous amount of data.

In 1983, Philip Mudd was graduated B.A. in English Literature cum laude from  Villanova University and then in 1984, M.A. in English Literature from the University of Virginia .He is such an active man who has love to learn new things. He also knew French.

Facts:Philip Mudd loves food and book

One fine day, Philip Mudd mingled with Robert Mueller in The Daily Memphian’s Extra Podcast to speak about drinking beer.

In that interview he speaker about many things and he declared that he loves Memphis cupcakes are his favorites.In the interview  of  The Daily Memphian’s Extra podcast, he said that “I love Memphis “.He also added that “I don’t know how to emphasize that enough-it changes your life”.

This clearly portraits his love for food. He lives his live with full of joy and enjoyment.

Being a CNN agent he always loves his country but he didn’t stop his love. His love also grows among foods, restaurants, peoples, and neighborhood.

Not only he loves his career and food but also he also loves his writing. yes, Mr.mudd loves writing books. The first book he wrote was Inside the Hunt for Al Qaeda, it portraits about how the September 11 attack changed his career, and the second book named as The HEAD Game,  high-Efficiency Analytic Decision-Making and the Art of Solving Complex Problems Quickly.

It says about the difficulties involved in decision making when one is presented with an enormous amount of data. He also made his debut in writing journalism, including the Journal of the US Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center; and The Washington Post.

Philip Mudd Career

  • In 1985 Philip joined the Central Intelligence Agency as analyst specializing in South Asia and then Middle East.
  • In 1991 he went to manage Iraq Analysis at CIA.
  • In 1992 he started as a counter-terrorist center in Central Intelligence Agency.
  • In 2001 he worked as director of gulf affairs on the White House National Security Council.
  • In 2002 he was appointed in counter-terrorist center as a second in charge.
  • In 2003, he finally becomes the deputy director of the center.
  • In 2005 he moved from NSB’s inaugural Deputy Director to Senior Intelligence Adviser and he served their till 2010.

In March 2010, he decided to take a leave from public services. During the assignment he was featured by some great newspaper like NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, Fox, MSNBC, AI- Jazeera, NPR, The New York Times, and The Washington Post.

He is the president of Mudd management. Mudd management is known for finding security consulting.

He also awarded for numerous Exceptional Performance awards.

He made his part in every possible way, now that’s the reason he received enormous number of awards

Philip Mudd Net worth

Philip Mudd’s salary is about $60,000 annually and his net worth is around $5 million (not yet confirmed).

Philip Mudd Networth ,this inspirational man worked in many notable and famous field for over 15 years. He didn’t disclosed the details of his salary.But before retirement, his salary is considered to be $60 thousand.

After knowing him we all have a huge impression on him because he crossed a huge milestone. He is a quite impressive right? I started with the text we have to know many things about you can understand why I said that.

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One Comment

  1. Curious! I once met a Mudd, first name I vaguely recall as being Dan, an official with Fannie Mae. During a meeting with this Mudd, I remarked to him that his name rang a bell with me but I could not reason why. It later dawned on me that a Dr Mudd treated the Lincoln assassin, John Wills Booth for a leg injury acquired during his escape from the Theater after shooting Lincoln. I recall this Dan Mudd
    acknowedging that Wilks doctor was actually a distant relative. I cannot help but wonder if Phil Mudd’s secrecy about his background is rooted in this little known fact, if he is related to the doctor who treated John Wilks Booth

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